ZAPAnet総合情報局 > ドラクエ7(3DS版)攻略Wiki > デスマシーン のバックアップソース(No.4)
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My thoughts on this bit: "then a natural disaster that destroys 20% of the infrastructure can be fixed by the modern society in 4 years, but takes 20 years to fix in the traditional society. "Would the same disaster destroy equally in both example societies? Perhaps in the modern society with it's throwaway mentality the same natural disaster destroys MORE infrastructure because it's built with less redundancy and so is destroyed easier, whereas something built to last has layers of redundancy built in and even if damaged by that disaster can quickly be repaired and oplastionae.Jurt my .02$ worth.
You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion <a href="">everewhery!</a>
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